Thursday, August 27, 2020

Understanding Curriculum and Professional Issues free essay sample

This task will investigate current perspectives on demonstrable skill in the Lifelong Learning Sector in the UK, and will make specific reference to the effect of expert status on instructors in the Further Education (FE) division. The paper will look at current strategy before proceeding to examine; demonstrable skill, proceeded with proficient turn of events (CPD), the significance of intelligent practice as an expert property and effect on educating. The task will likewise talk about own self-improvement making reference to subject specialism. At long last demonstrable skill in the segment will be assessed. Truly Further Education (FE) Colleges were once far expelled from the terms ‘professional’ and ‘academic’ and as Spencely (2006 pg 292) reminds us, â€Å"student learning in FE was unquestionably situated in the field of commonsense aptitudes based preparing as opposed to instruction, this accentuation on preparing, as opposed to training, has driven various reporters to scrutinize the presence of the calling of ‘educator’ or ‘teacher’ in the further training sector†. In any case, FE is currently a fundamental piece of the instruction framework and assumes a key job in supporting the expert improvement of educators in the division. Indeed, even with the progressing drive to up expertise FE instructors with educator preparing capabilities, those in FE have all the earmarks of being in a ceaseless motion where acknowledgment of expert status is concerned. Katz, refered to in Avis et al features this when he states â€Å"Few experts talk as much about being proficient as those whose proficient height is in doubt†. (2009 pg 75) FE has attempted to be perceived as expert, this might be on the grounds that most of instructing professionals in FE are from a professional as opposed to scholastic foundation. Right now FE instructors work inside an arrangement of duel professionalism† (Davies 2006) implying that they have professional ability and have picked up educator preparing capabilities so as to create as an expert. In any case, as indicated by Gray and Griffin, â€Å"professionalism of FE has never been homogeneous or especially very much framed in the FE sector† and it does not have the expert culture found in the schools (2000 pg 238). It might be that what Gray neglects to recognize is the FE area is not the school segment and it ought to in this way be extraordinary. Since September 2001, it has been a prerequisite that all instructors in FE universities ought to have, or be moving in the direction of, a broadly perceived educating capability. The first national measures on which such capability was based were drawn up by the Further Education National Training Organization (FENTO). So as to get FENTO support, bodies, for example, the City and Guilds London Institute (CGLI), which at the time granted a scope of division explicit showing capabilities, were required to guarantee that the substance and results of their encouraging capabilities fit in with these national norms. Just educators with a FENTO supported capability were regarded to meet the national necessity for the calling. As the consequence of an administration strategy change, the national preparing associations, including FENTO, were supplanted by segment aptitudes committees, and obligation regarding dealing with the national measures and embracing capabilities for educators in the Lifelong Learning Sector (LLS) was taken over in January 2005 by Standards and Verification UK (SVUK), the gauges and check arm of Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK). This body, which is additionally liable for the expert improvement of instructors in work-based learning and advanced education, drew out a modified arrangement of national principles in 2007 after a long time of meeting. These are known as Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) principles; and it is currently a prerequisite that all educators in the division, regardless of whether full-time or low maintenance, must have, or be progressing in the direction of QTLS. This can be accomplished by various courses, including SVUK-supported advanced education projects, for example, the Certificate of Education (Cert Ed), the Postgraduate or Professional Graduate Certificates in Education (PGCE) The Institute for Learning (IFL) are the main thrust behind looking for proficient acknowledgment for educators in FE. The CEO of the IFL as of late declared a significant advancement for the IFL, remarking on Professor Alison Wolf’s proposal that FE instructors with QTLS ought to be perceived as able to educate in schools. Secretary of state for instruction, Michael Gove, has acknowledged suggestions from the Wolf Report explaining that there is a need to â€Å"allow qualified further training speakers to educate in school study halls on a similar premise as qualified school teachers†. (Goodman, 2011) The Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) underpins the drive to professionalize FE speakers and states that â€Å"The unpreventable end is that it is presently an ideal opportunity for the Qualified Lecturer Status (QLS) to be supplanted by the certified instructor status (QTS), as the benchmark of educator polished skill in FE universities. It is the ideal opportunity for speakers to become teachers.† (ATL, 2011) Although this gives off an impression of being movement we could contend this could be considered more as consistence with an acknowledged perspective on what instructor polished methodology is, while FE ought to be seen as expert and the job of QLS should convey with it proficient status. In any case, while considering current speculation on polished methodology in encouraging Pollard sums up that great educating â€Å"requires an enormous number of verifiable and regularly quick decisions and decisions† frequently molded by the ‘community of practice’ to which we belong†. (Pollard, 2010 pg 5) This assesses homeroom the board, including connections, positive learning conditions and the capacity to be imaginative and inventive. The ‘Teaching Learning Research Project’s’ ten standards of powerful instructing, which structure the premise of polished skill in the showing area, feature a lot of standards which are apparent inside the FE segment, plainly illustrating (from my perspective) value with the school segment. There are various issues around the idea of polished skill and clearly significance here can and will contrast as per ones calling. So as to characterize polished skill we should likewise consider that translation will vary subject to point of view. Demonstrable skill by and large includes the two qualities of self and those of associations. Proficient associations will have a lot of qualities which will be reflected in working practices in accordance with moral norms. In any case, immaterial of association educator polished methodology is a huge factor as it influences the job of the instructor and their teaching method, which thusly influences understudy capacity to adapt successfully. Instructor polished skill ought to contain the fundamental attributes of, capability, execution, and lead, all ofâ which ought to mirror the objectives, capacities, and gauges of the association for whom we work, and should affect on educating through the improvement of these characteristics. Outer drivers, for example, government strategy will and do affect on the status of FE instructors and alongside the acknowledgment of ‘Qualified Teacher Status’ (QTS) will no uncertainty come considerably increasingly thorough review of both understudy and speaker accomplishment. The FE area has kept on developing and so as to help; development, the move in instruction conveyance from teachers to Government control, and to satisfy the needs of Sector Skills Councils, the improvement of polished methodology will keep on being a key core interest. In any case, so as to build up this polished methodology Hargreaves, helps us that the presence to remember top down instruction framework with constrained compensation and over normalization will bring about an incomprehensible calling. Hagreaves states â€Å"The oddity in the expert existence of educators is delineated by the conjunction of two apparently conflicting patterns in the advancement of the showing calling: normalization of instructing and abhorrence to teachers’ professionalization, from one perspective, and higher expert principles and more noteworthy demonstrable skill, on the other†. (2000 pg 11) In 2004 LLUK started the way toward growing new expert showing principles for the FE framework, in accordance with the prerequisites of; Government, Sector Skills Councils, administrative specialists, granting associations and suppliers. Bill Rammell, Minister of State for Lifelong Learning, underscores the significance of polished methodology in instructing, Rammel states, â€Å"I accept these guidelines will contribute enormously to improving quality in instructing, preparing and learning over the further training framework, and give a key piece of the foundation that will bolster the professionalization of the workforce†. (LLUK, undated) However, this may likewise make an increasingly thorough assessment of showing gauges, as educators in FE become progressively qualified, as referenced already, desires will likewise rise. The new expert showing norms, with accentuation on master subject information, will profit FE as far as quality, all the more critically it will likewise give a superior learning experience to understudies, which when we consider demonstrable skill must be our first concern . In any case, Avis (2009 pg 76) makesâ the point that current intuition on creating polished skill, explicitly while thinking about the detail and length of norms, that â€Å" LLUK guidelines are rather than the proportional single page of expansive explanations that spread higher education† the equivalent here applies to schools, it could hence be recommended that the meaning of expert in the FE part is â€Å"more confined and prescriptive than in different territories of education† (Avis, 2009 pg 77) This may likewise application

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Why is an Informal Essay Important?

Why is an Informal Essay Important?Formal essay examples have a lot of requirements that are different from an informal essay. Before starting, it is important to know what the differences are between the two. This will help you understand the role of etiquette in writing a formal essay. Once you understand this, you will be able to focus on writing an essay that is unique.Formal essays require you to use formal grammar. It is expected that you are able to write essays with correct grammar. However, an informal essay will usually require you to use informal grammar. Your first goal is to be able to write an essay that is informal and elegant at the same time.In order to write a formal essay, you will need to be sure that you follow the rules of grammar. The rules of grammar are very specific and they can vary greatly depending on the type of essay that you are writing. Another important part of grammar is punctuation. You should be sure that you are using the correct format for both the formal and informal essay.You will also need to have specific details that you need to write a formal essay. The details will be different depending on the type of essay that you are writing. In the formal essay, you will need to describe the points in your essay and how you feel about them.An informal essay will not always need to include a written description of the essay. Instead, you will need to describe what you were thinking when writing the essay. This will include your feelings and emotions that are related to the topic of the essay. This will be different from a formal essay where you will need to provide an explanation of why you are writing.In the formal essay, you will need to use the correct vocabulary. Informal essays often include slang and informal language. These types of words are common in informal essays. You will need to be sure that you are familiar with these terms before writing the essay.In the formal essay, you will also need to research the topic and be sure that you are knowledgeable on the topic. Informal essays are typically written by people who are trying to find a way to express themselves. These people are usually unaware of the strict guidelines that are used to determine whether a certain topic is appropriate for essay writing.Once you know these tips, you will be able to get started writing an essay. An informal essay can be different from a formal essay. There is some grammar that you need to be sure that you are following in both types of essays.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive MBA News Is Class or Gender More Divisive at HBS

Blog Archive MBA News Is Class or Gender More Divisive at HBS Reacting to an article about a “case study” on gender inequality that was published in Sunday’s New York Times, many Harvard Business School (HBS) students, alumni and community members have voiced concerns about what they see as a more “pervasive problem” facing the school’s culture. A follow-up article published on Monday points out that class, in addition to gender, has become a dividing issue among HBS students. While tuition is more than $50K per year, the average MBA class is still economically diverse, “with 65 percent of students on financial aid.” Yet students report that to get the full HBS experience, they are expected to spend thousands of dollars more on social activities and section events. As one student stated, “The difference between a good experience and a great experience is only $20,000.” Beyond the costs, students complain that the elite business school culture itself suffers from a conspicuous divide wrought by exclusivity and affluence. An alleged secret society of wealthy, mostly male, mostly international students known as “Section X,” for example, reinforces the image of HBS as a haven for extreme privilege. As the article suggests, “Every Harvard Business School class is organized into 10 sections labeled A through J, and the name Section X implies a pulling away from the wider community.” Reportedly, the most recent class co-presidents have made efforts to reduce the price tag attached to school-sponsored socializing and to make social events more inclusive. But the problem appears even more entrenched than those of gender, given that “many of the school’s top donors and alumni are members of the same ultramoneyed culture that some students criticize.” If and how the administration will intervene to transform HBS’s culture around the issue of class in the same way it has tried to close the gender gap remains to be seen. Share ThisTweet Harvard University (Harvard Business School) News

Monday, May 25, 2020

Benefits Of Long Distance Runners - 951 Words

When I think of Kenya, I think of long distance runners, I think of the beginning of man, I think of its plethora of wildlife, and I think of Barack Obama. What I have never contemplated was Kenya’s agriculture and how it has affected the culture and economics of Kenya. â€Å"Tea, coffee, sisal, pyrethrum, corn, and wheat are grown in the fertile highlands, one of the most successful agricultural production regions in Africa. Production is mainly on small African owned farms formed from the division of formerly European-owned estates.† Coffee in Kenya is big business, but it is grown mainly on small farms by coops of farmers working together. Looking into Kenya’s past will help to clarify how coffee became an agricultural commodity, and give insight into its beginnings. Before outsiders came into Africa, the country now known as Kenya was a nomadic area inhabited by Cushite people. It was not until the first century B.C. that Arabic people came to the area as traders. They soon began to colonize areas along the coast of the Indian Ocean. Also in the first century the Bantu began to settle areas inland from the coast. It took the Europeans over fourteen hundred more years to make their way to Kenya. Kenya was now under the rule of the Portuguese. In the sixteen hundreds Kenya came under Islamic rule, until the nineteenth century when it became a British colony. It is in the 19th century that an eastern area of Africa becomes Kenya. In 1888 Kenya comeShow MoreRelatedConquering Endurance Running: Minimizing Risk and Running Injury Free1200 Words   |  5 Pages could achieve such tasking running distance. Elite runners complete the marathon course in just over 2 hours, while the average runner completes it in about 4.5 hours. It’s difficult to comprehend how someone could run, consistently, for 4.5 hours.The actual marathon is simply a formality as the journey starts the day training begins. The outcome, the day of the mar athon, is dependent on how successful the training program was executed. Long distance runners are the biggest advocates of the sportRead MoreRunning Is the Purest Form of Exercise1446 Words   |  6 PagesRunning is the purest form of exercise. Its simplicity requires minimal equipment or experience, as the running motion is an innate movement for the human body. More specifically ultra running is beyond the marathon distance of 26.2 miles and incorporates distances of 50, 100, and 200-mile races. While it takes any novice athlete to take part in the simple act of running a few advanced individuals turn running into an art form and expand their expertise to endurance running as seen in ultra marathonRead MoreCorrelation Between Exercise And Human Health1616 Words   |  7 Pageshigher energy levels and speedier recoveries. A distance runner may fuel up with carbohydrates before a marathon to have a reasonable glycogen storage in the liver. Alternatively, a body builder will in gest high amounts of protein after a training session to help build muscle and quicken recovery. Because of contrasting nutritional needs and training, the physical composition of athletes may vary. According to Burke and Cox (2010), distance runners tend to have a slimmer build, with little overallRead MorePersuasive Essay On Runners Choice1643 Words   |  7 PagesRehabilitation, more than 70 percent of runners will experience injury† (Cespedes 3). In our world today, running has been one of the go to exercises to lose weight. It is an enjoyable way to exercise, and is a natural stress reliever. Running can change your lifestyle and force you to adapt to certain physically intense situations. This includes the body’s reaction to stress, and a variety of other effects that come with running regularly. Running has a plethora of health benefits that include a prolonged lifeRead MoreMy Favorite Sport864 Words   |  4 PagesI have many hobbies but my favorite has to be running. There are numerous reasons to run like the health benefits you gain from it but I only run for one sole purpose. When most people think of meditating, an image of someone sitting down with their legs crossed with their eyes closed as they hum away appears to mind however, my meditation is running. When I run my long-distance races preferable my 5k races, I get into this weird state of mind where all my stress and built up emotions for the weekRead MoreSwimming Is Not A Natural Act1332 Words   |  6 Pagesswimming water acts as the resistance while in running, air is the resistance. Water is a lot thicker than air which makes it harder to move through. When running, performance peters out as the distances get longer but in swimming the pace is consistent regardless of the distance. Swimming has a lot of benefits which most people don’t know about. Swimming keeps your heartrate up without overstressing the body. It builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. Swimming also keeps the heartRead MoreThe Benefits of Exercising Essay772 Words   |  4 PagesThe Benefits of Exercising What can exercise do for me? Exercise does more then reduce weight, it can improve both our health and fitness, and should involve using as much of the body as possible. Exercise has two main benefits: v Short term these are the effects that happen during the activity itself and also contribute to the long term benefits e.g. the heart rate will increase, which will increase the flow and pressure of the blood. v Long term theseRead MoreHistory Of Running And Its Growth1364 Words   |  6 Pagesa means of survival† gave us â€Å"exceptional endurance†(History of Running,†n.d.).Humans are known to test their limits which is entirely true throughout the history of racing. Running not only for survival or necessity but for the enjoyment, health benefits, and competition are immanent in todays society. The history of human instinct, racing, as well as competitiveness accumulate to produce an extensive-and by all means-interesting story. Productive running began thousands of years ago. The basisRead MoreThe Benefits of Running Essay975 Words   |  4 Pageselderly, they can all be runners. All one needs is a pair of shoes and workout clothes, which are extremely easy to find or purchase if necessary. There is common misconception about people thinking speed sequesters winners and losers, where the truth is everyone wins. Training for Young Distance Runners by Larry Greene and Russ Pate says â€Å"Runners . . . may come to think that finishing first is the only measure of success. This would be unfortunate because only a few runners, usually the fittestRead MoreHow The Muscular System Enables Movement For The Body1461 Words   |  6 PagesAnaerobic Aerobic Long term anaerobic Short term anaerobic Force Minimal Force High force Very High force Associated sports Endurance events such as marathon running and cycling. Middle distance running such as 800m or 1500m Speed, strength and power type activities such as 100m or 200m sprinting Different muscles with different muscle arrangements will play better in some sports then others due to the sports specificity. For example it is important for a long distance runner to have an ectomorph

Thursday, May 14, 2020

How to Transfer Colleges A Guide for Success

If youre thinking of transferring to a new college, you arent alone. A 2015 study from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center revealed that 37.2 percent of college students transfer to a different college within six years of first starting school.   If youre thinking of transferring, make sure you are informed about how the process works. With some careful planning, you can avoid many of the hidden costs of transferring and ensure that your attempt to transfer is successful. Done improperly, you may end up with a rejection from your target school, or your transfer may lead to a longer and more expensive path to graduation. Have a Good Reason for Transferring Colleges Before you decide to change schools, make sure you have a good reason for transferring.  Struggles with bad roommates or difficult professors are likely to improve over time, and its important to give yourself adequate time to adjust to college life before considering a transfer. If youre trying to transfer to a selective four-year college, the admissions folks will be looking to see that you have a compelling  reason for your transfer. They will admit only those students whose transfer applications articulate a clear and meaningful rationale for the transfer. Choose Classes at Your Current College Carefully One of the greatest frustrations when transferring to a new college can arise when you try to transfer credits from your current college to your new college. Remedial classes often wont transfer, and highly specialized classes may transfer as elective credits that dont count towards  graduation requirements. If your credits fail to transfer, youll may be looking at a longer time to graduation, which can be one of the most significant hidden costs of transferring. Even if your target school costs much less than your current college, you wont realize those savings if you end up paying for an extra year of tuition and fees. You may be able to avoid this problem by taking general education classes such as Introduction to Psychology or American Literature, which are offered at nearly all colleges and generally transfer without problems. Also, look to see if your target school has an articulation agreement with your current college. Many colleges have pre-approved classes for transfer credit. Within public university systems, youll often find that articulation agreements are in place for students who transfer from community colleges to four-year state universities. Keep Up Your Grades atYour Current College Even after you decide to transfer, keep your grades up.  Colleges want to admit transfer students who have demonstrated their ability to succeed in college. Just as your academic record in high school was the most important part of your regular college application, your college academic record is going to be the most important part of your transfer application. The admissions folks will be looking to see that you have a proven record of  handling college-level work. Also, think about your transfer credits and the time it will take you to graduate. Colleges generally wont transfer grades that are lower than a C. The fewer credits you are able to transfer, the longer it will take you to graduate. If it takes you five or six years to graduate instead of four, you could be looking at tens of thousands of dollars of additional costs as well as a year or two in which you arent earning income. Position Yourself to Get Good Letters of Recommendation Its important that you dont burn bridges at your current college. Many transfer applications require at least one letter of recommendation from a faculty member at your current school, so make sure you have a good relationship with one or two professors so that you can get  positive recommendations. Youll be in an awkward position if you need to ask for a letter from a professor whose class youve regularly skipped or who doesnt know who you are. Step outside of your own shoes and think about what a recommender will say about you. Your transfer application will be much stronger with a recommendation letter that begins All of us at ABC College will be sorry to see John leave us rather than Although I dont know John well... Finally, be thoughtful and give your recommenders plenty of time to write their letters. Its inconsiderate and unreasonable to ask for a letter that is due in 24 hours, and you may very well get a refusal from your professor. Plan ahead, and make sure the people recommending you have at least a couple of weeks to write their letters. Keep Track of Transfer Application Deadlines If youre planning to begin classes at your new college in the fall, transfer application deadlines will often be in March or April. Typically, the more selective the school, the earlier the deadline will be (for example, Harvard Universitys transfer application deadline is March 1st and Cornell Universitys is March 15th). Transfer students in the University of California system need to apply at the same time as the regular applicant pool in November. At many less selective schools, transfer applications can be submitted in late spring or even the summer for fall admission. Deadlines will often be flexible depending on the colleges current needs and enrollments. Penn State, for example, has an April 15th priority deadline, but after that date the university has a rolling admission policy. In general, you will  have the best chances of a successful transfer if you plan ahead and submit your application before the published deadline. This is particularly true for highly selective colleges and universities. That said, youll still have many transfer options should you decide to transfer at the end of the academic year, and its not that unusual for students to transfer just a couple of weeks before classes begin. Youll want to contact the admissions office at your target school to find out if they are still accepting transfer applications. Make Sure Your Transfer Application Essay Is Specific and Polished Dont underestimate the importance of your transfer application essay. The Common Application for transfer students asks for a statement that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve.  Colleges that dont use the Common Application will typically ask a similar question: Why do you want to transfer to our school? As you write your transfer essay, youll want to have clear, school-specific reasons for your transfer. What exactly does your target school offer that makes it attractive to you? Does it have a specific academic program that speaks to your interests and career goals? Does the school have an approach to learning that you think is a good match for you? As a test to see if your essay succeeds on this front, try replacing your target schools name with a different schools name everywhere in your essay. If your the still makes sense when you substitute in a different colleges name for your target school, your essay is too vague and generic. The admissions officers dont just want to know why you want to transfer to a different school. They want to know why you want to transfer to their  school. Finally, keep in mind that a good transfer essay  does more than present clear and specific reasons for transferring. It also needs to be polished and engaging. Proofread and edit carefully to improve the essays style  and ensure that your prose is free of awkward language and grammatical errors. Visit Campus and Make an Informed Decision Before you accept an offer of transfer admission, make sure you are making a wise decision. Visit the campus of your target school. Sit in on classes. Talk with professors in the major you hope to pursue. And ideally, arrange an overnight visit to get a good sense of the campus environment. In short,  make sure that your target school truly is a good match for your personal and professional goals. Ultimately, you should feel confident and clear-headed in your decision to transfer.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gay Marriage the Recognition of Equal Human Rights

Gay Marriage: The Recognition of Equal Human Rights In America, people hold on to the Declaration of Independence as an implementation of their rights. Part of the Declaration of Independence clearly states, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness† (Jefferson 80). Gays are human beings too, and they should equally be able to enjoy the human rights. If we believe that human rights are equal regardless of their sexual orientation; then why do gays have to struggle for equal positions in the church, law, and psychological equality? Gay people, their families, and their†¦show more content†¦Marriage cannot be severed from its cultural, religious and natural roots without weakening the good influence of society (Burns 7). President Bush described marriage as cultural and natural way to expand the society, because of the fact that marriage between man and woman would produce and foster children. These man-woman marriages are honored by faith and beliefs. He does not want the changes in marriage values affect the society in a bad way. In addition, for people that do not agree on gay marriage, they have skepticism about how gay marriages will affect children in the future. Although people assume that gay couples will not have children, but in reality they do, either from previous relationships, adoptions or simply have to raise children from other family’s member. However, children who are raised by gay couples need legal assurance from their â€Å"gay parents†. According to Anne Pollock, a graduate student in social studies from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, â€Å"The first priority of civil marriage should be to provide a secure environment for all children. The religious right’s claim that children benefit from their [antigay activists] assaults against gay families is nothing less than hypocritical. (Burns)† If the gay parents do not have equal legal rights, like what stated in DOMA; so that, if something happens to one of the gay parent, their children also will suffer from the consequences. ForShow MoreRelatedWhy Did The 14th Amendment Guarantees Equal Protection Under The Law?1092 Words   |  5 Pagesfavor to legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 countries in the United States. This all occurred because of the Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) case. This very important case involved â€Å"14 same-sex couples and two men whose same-sex partners are deceased† and the couples argued that the â€Å"state officials violated [their] 14th amendment by denying them the right to marry or to have marriages lawfully performed in another state given full recognition and also violated their equal protection Clause. The supremeRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1574 Words   |  7 Pagescommunity and abides by the law deserves the rights of an American; however, not all citizens are afforded equal rights. Gays and lesbians are consistently denied rights that are typically taken for granted by the average American. Specifically, gay and lesbian couples ar e denied the right to marry even if they are outstanding citizens. They are held at an unfair disadvantage solely because of their sexual orientation. This discrimination must stop, because gay and lesbian couples are law-abiding citizensRead MoreThe Rights Of Gay And Lesbian Couples1451 Words   |  6 PagesA Right to Love Most people feel that Government rights should automatically be granted to U.S. citizens. An upstanding citizen who pays their taxes, serves their community and abides by the law should be afforded the rights of an American. However, not all citizens are afforded equal rights. Gay and lesbians are consistently denied rights that are typically taken for granted by the average American. Specifically, gay and lesbians couples are denied the right to marry even if they are upstandingRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gay And Lesbians1447 Words   |  6 PagesMost people believe that they deserve the rights they are granted by the government. An upstanding citizen who pays their taxes, serves their community and abides by the law should be afforded the rights of an American. However, not all citizens are afforded equal rights. Gay and lesbians are consistently denied rights that are typically taken for granted by the average American. Specifically, gay and lesbians couples are denie d the right to marry even if they are upstanding citizens. TheyRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legalized1280 Words   |  5 Pages Most people believe that they deserve the rights they are granted by the government. An upstanding citizen who pays their taxes, serves their community and abides by the law should be afforded the rights of an American. However, not all citizens are afforded equal rights. Gay and lesbians are consistently denied rights that are typically taken for granted by the average American. Specifically, gay and lesbians couples are denied the right to marry even if they are upstanding citizens. TheyRead More Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay853 Words   |  4 PagesStates have fought for their civil rights in past decades, it is the gay community that now finds itself striving for equal opportunities in our culturally diverse nation. Although they have already come a long way in the path of acceptance, most recently the gay community has had to confront extremist conservative groups who claim that allowing same-sex couples to join in a civilly recognized union violates the act of a tr aditional, sacred marriage. Gay and lesbian individuals feel that, likeRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1254 Words   |  6 Pagesa person believes in something different does not mean they are not human as well. The court did notice marriage as a fundamental right. However, they took the position that the fundamental right to marry does not include a right to make a State change its definition of marriage, and that the previous cases dealing with the fundamental right to marry did not provide that anyone who wants to get married has a constitutional right to do so. The dissent concerns were more that the majority opinion wasRead MoreGay And Gay Rights Movement853 Words   |  4 Pagesof 1968, gay and lesbian rights movements started booming in the 1970’s (Smith 328). At first, the purpose of the movements was to gain support from the public on their cause of equal rights for LGBT people. However, the main goal was for the â€Å"legalization of homosexual behavior; an end to state regulat ion and repression of lesbian and gay life; and the passage and enforcement of antidiscrimination measures, most importantly in the area of employment† (Smith 334). To do this, the gay rights movementsRead MoreEssay on The Right to Same Sex Marriage1590 Words   |  7 PagesSame sex marriage is a highly controversial topic that has been lingering in America for some time now. The American society prides itself in the provision of equal rights and opportunities to all, yet, homosexuals continue to be discriminated against and denied their rights to marriage. It is often believe that â€Å"marriage is a commitment between two people that love each other and want to share the rest of their life side by side. It is not measured by whether it is a man and a woman, or a coupleRead MoreThe Rights Of Gay And Lesbian Couples Essay1536 Words   |  7 Pagesthe majority believe that they deserve the rights they are granted with the aid of the government. An upstanding citizen who pa ys their taxes, serves their network and abides by means of the regulation must be afforded the rights of an American. however, no longer all residents are afforded same rights. gay and lesbians are continuously denied rights which are typically taken for granted through the common American. particularly, gay and lesbians couples are denied the proper to marry even supposing

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthrone masterf Essay Example For Students

In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthrone masterf Essay ully weaves many themes and uses character development to format the plot of this novel. The themes of The Scarlet Letter are carried out through the four main characters Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, Roger Chillingsworth, and Pearl and also through symbolism. In this novel, Hawthrone hoped to show that although Hester and Dimmesdale sinned, they achieved the wisdom of self knowledge and inner growth through their suffering. BackgroundBefore the novel actually starts, there is a section of the book entitled The Custom House. While this is not an integral part of the novel, it provides insight into Nathaniel Hawthrone, the man. Here it is learned that Hawthrones ancestors were strict Puritans (he was born in Salem). One of his ancestors was considered a hanging judge and was actually a judge in the Salem Witch Trails. This is why Hawthrone has an interest in the Puritan period. Although Hawthrone did not actually participate in the Puritan period, he still felt guilty about what his ancestors did. He was angered by the hypocrisy of the church who condemned sins, yet committed them and was also angered by the government. This becomes apparent to the reader throughout the course of the novel. In fact, The Scarlet Letter was a way for Hawthrone to vent his frustrations with the institutions. Brief Summary of the NovelThe Scarlet Letter is a novel revolving around a woman who committed the sin of adultery in a small Puritan town in seventeenth-century Boston. Hester Prynne, the adulteress, refuses to reveal her lovers name, and as a result is forced to wear a large, red A on her bosom. This is to tell everyone of her sin. Hester is also forced to live isolated with her daughter, Pearl, who is the result of her sin. Meanwhile, the small Puritan town remains very devoted to and very proud of their young minister, Arthur Dimmesdale. What they do not know is that it is Dimmesdale who is Hesters Lover and Pearls father. The fact that Dimmesdale keeps his sin a secret is tearing him up, both physically and emotionally. To complicate matters even more, Hesters old and slightly deformed husband is back. He had stayed in England for quite a while allowing Hester to settle into their new home. Her husband, Roger Chillingsworth, comes to the town at precisely the moment that Hester is!being presented to the world as an adulteress. Chillingsworth sees Hester with the scarlet letter upon her breast and in the moment of Hesters greatest humiliation. He is outraged and vows that he (the lover) will be known. (p. 69) He pretends to be a physician and eventually suspects Dimmesdale of the breaking the seventh commandment. Chillingsworths mission becomes that of revenge. Themes and Character DevelopmentHesterIn The Scarlet Letter, the themes are played out by the characters. Hesters development, for example, illustrates the theme that recognition of our weaknesses may make people stronger and more sympathetic to the weaknesses of others. The punishment that is chosen for Hester is a long and drawn-out one. It is a mental punishment, one that will last her her entire lifetime. Like Chillingsworth stated on page 69, A wise sentence! Thus she will be a living sermon against sin, until the ignominious letter be engraved upon her tombstone.Because of her great punishment, Hester grows and matures throughout the years. The letter causes her to be an outsider in her own home and for her to have no friends. As a result, she matures much. Whenever a person matures, he or she can look at the world through a different pair of eyes and therefore be more perceptive to other peoples pain. Hester, in part of a punishment imposed on herself, helps the poor. She uses her surplus to give to the less fortunate, although they feel superior to her and show it. But due to Hesters maturity she continues to help the poor. Because Hester felt pain, she learned to be warm and rich; a wellspring of human tenderness, unfailing to every real demandshe was a self-ordained Sister of Mercy.(p.156) In fact, it is ironic how a person who was shunned by a town in receiving the scarlet letter was later praised by it how the supposed most vile person was really the kindest and most sincere. She want from Adulteress to Able. (p.156)Hester also shows her great emotional growth with Dimmesdale. When she is with him, it is she who is the strong one. She is the one who made the decision to leave and it was her who bore the humiliation of the towns justice alone, without betraying her lover. Hesters growth can be especially seen when compared to Dimmesdales deterioration. Hester grew because she faced her sin, while Dimmesdale slowly killed himself as a result of hiding his sin and living with guilt. Hester also embodies the theme that the truth can set you free. While Dimmesdale grew frailer every day, Hester chose to overcome the punishment imposed on her by the community. The reason she could overcome the punishment is that she had not hidden the truth as Dimmesdale did. Her salvation lied in the truth. This is evident in chapter seventeen, where Hester and Dimmesdale met in the woods after a separation of seven years. While Hester has made her peace, Dimmesdale is consumed with guilt of his double life. He does not know what to do with himself. Dimmesdale goes as far as to say. Happy are you, Hester, that wear the scarlet letter openly on your bosom! Mine burns in secret!(p.183) This shows the reader that the reason that Hester has been able to walk through the town and survive the seven years of punishment is that she has allowed the truth to be told. Exploring key issues in the collapse of Enron EssayChillingsworthRoger Chilligsworth exemplifies the theme that revenge and hatred can destroy a person. When he is first mentioned in the book, he is but a mere observer of Hesters punishment. But it is soon evident that he is Hesters husband. From very early on the reader can soon see that Chillingsworth is a very evil person whose goal in life is to destroy Hesters lover. From the time that his face darkened with some powerful emotion(p.67) when first seeing Hester on the scaffold, Chillingsworths face has evil reflected on it. The hatred on Chillingworths face is seen by many. They affirmed that his aspect had undergone a remarkable change especially since he abode with Dimmesdale. the former aspect of an intellectual and studious man, calm and quiethad altogether vanished and had been succeeded by an eager, searching, almost fierce, yet carefully guarded look.(p.163)Chillingsworth did all in his power to torture the minister. He now dug into the poor clergymans heart like a miner searching for gold.(p.127)Pearl, who throughout the novel shows a strange insight into people, calls Chillingsworth the Black Man.It can therefore be said that revenge and hatred can destroy a person. PearlIn The Scarlet Letter, Pearl is more of a symbol than an example of a theme through character development. She is the embodiment of Hesters and Dimmesdales sin. Pearl is the living symbol of adultery. She is the living embodiment of the scarlet A symbol of passion. Hester recognized this and as a result dressed Pearl in the same way her scarlet letter is adorned. She dresses Pearl in crimson velvet abundantly embroidered with flourishes of gold thread. Pearl is also the symbol of the illicit union between Hester and Dimmesdale. In the second scaffold scene she is the link between the two. But although Pearl is foremost a symbol, she does develop greatly in this book. Pearl is also reinforces other themes in the novel. For example, in the end of the story Pearl is seen changed while enforcing the theme that the truth can set you free. In the third scaffold scene, she finally kisses Dimmesdale, who has finally come clean with the truth. Pearl has now broken the spell. The truth causes Dimmesdales joy and now Pearl would grow up amid human joy and sorrow, nor forever do battle with the world, but be a woman in it.(p.238)PlotThe plot in The Scarlet Letter is mostly developed in the three scaffold scenes. Here is where the major characters are in conflict with themselves or with each other. In the first scaffold scene there is conflict between Hester and the community. The town is punishing Hester and she rebels against it by refusing to show any emotion other than indifference and pride. There is conflict with Chillingsworth and the adulterer because it is here that Chill ingsworth vows that he will be known.In the second scaffold scene, Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale hold hands. But Pearl asks Dimmesdale if he will acknowledge them the next day at noon. When Dimmesdale says no, she tries to let go of her fathers hand. The reason is that Pearl always feels conflict with Dimmesdale whenever he does not acknowledge her or her mother in the publics presence. There is also conflict here between Chillingsworth and Dimmesdale in the second scaffold scene. Chillingsworth catches the family upon the scaffold and was not careful then, as at all other times, to hide the malevolence with which he looked upon his victim.(p.151)In the third scaffold scene, Dimmesdale admits his guilt, which causes a conflict between him and the community, which does not believe that their minister is capable of such a sin. There is also a major climate of climatic proportions between Chillingsworth and Dimmesdale. When the minister is about to confess, Chillingsworth comes forth t o try to stop him. He does so because if Dimmesdale confesses, he will be unable to continue his punishment and revenge towards him. In the third scaffold scene, Pearls conflict with Dimmesdale ends because he finally confesses to being her father. She kisses him and at last becomes human, not the little imp she has been throughout the novel. The major sources of conflict and character development in the three scaffold scenes show how the plot is mostly developed there. ConclusionNathaniel Hawthrone creates an interesting tangle of themes played out through character development to unfold the plot of The Scarlet Letter. He marks the plot through the three scaffold scenes that show the four main characters in conflict with each other and themselves. The many interpretations of the novel and the rich symbolism in The Scarlet Letter have made it a classic and will continue to fascinate both the serious literary student and the casual reader alike.