Monday, May 25, 2020

Benefits Of Long Distance Runners - 951 Words

When I think of Kenya, I think of long distance runners, I think of the beginning of man, I think of its plethora of wildlife, and I think of Barack Obama. What I have never contemplated was Kenya’s agriculture and how it has affected the culture and economics of Kenya. â€Å"Tea, coffee, sisal, pyrethrum, corn, and wheat are grown in the fertile highlands, one of the most successful agricultural production regions in Africa. Production is mainly on small African owned farms formed from the division of formerly European-owned estates.† Coffee in Kenya is big business, but it is grown mainly on small farms by coops of farmers working together. Looking into Kenya’s past will help to clarify how coffee became an agricultural commodity, and give insight into its beginnings. Before outsiders came into Africa, the country now known as Kenya was a nomadic area inhabited by Cushite people. It was not until the first century B.C. that Arabic people came to the area as traders. They soon began to colonize areas along the coast of the Indian Ocean. Also in the first century the Bantu began to settle areas inland from the coast. It took the Europeans over fourteen hundred more years to make their way to Kenya. Kenya was now under the rule of the Portuguese. In the sixteen hundreds Kenya came under Islamic rule, until the nineteenth century when it became a British colony. It is in the 19th century that an eastern area of Africa becomes Kenya. In 1888 Kenya comeShow MoreRelatedConquering Endurance Running: Minimizing Risk and Running Injury Free1200 Words   |  5 Pages could achieve such tasking running distance. Elite runners complete the marathon course in just over 2 hours, while the average runner completes it in about 4.5 hours. It’s difficult to comprehend how someone could run, consistently, for 4.5 hours.The actual marathon is simply a formality as the journey starts the day training begins. 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