Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gay Marriage the Recognition of Equal Human Rights

Gay Marriage: The Recognition of Equal Human Rights In America, people hold on to the Declaration of Independence as an implementation of their rights. Part of the Declaration of Independence clearly states, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness† (Jefferson 80). Gays are human beings too, and they should equally be able to enjoy the human rights. If we believe that human rights are equal regardless of their sexual orientation; then why do gays have to struggle for equal positions in the church, law, and psychological equality? Gay people, their families, and their†¦show more content†¦Marriage cannot be severed from its cultural, religious and natural roots without weakening the good influence of society (Burns 7). President Bush described marriage as cultural and natural way to expand the society, because of the fact that marriage between man and woman would produce and foster children. These man-woman marriages are honored by faith and beliefs. He does not want the changes in marriage values affect the society in a bad way. In addition, for people that do not agree on gay marriage, they have skepticism about how gay marriages will affect children in the future. Although people assume that gay couples will not have children, but in reality they do, either from previous relationships, adoptions or simply have to raise children from other family’s member. However, children who are raised by gay couples need legal assurance from their â€Å"gay parents†. According to Anne Pollock, a graduate student in social studies from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, â€Å"The first priority of civil marriage should be to provide a secure environment for all children. The religious right’s claim that children benefit from their [antigay activists] assaults against gay families is nothing less than hypocritical. (Burns)† If the gay parents do not have equal legal rights, like what stated in DOMA; so that, if something happens to one of the gay parent, their children also will suffer from the consequences. ForShow MoreRelatedWhy Did The 14th Amendment Guarantees Equal Protection Under The Law?1092 Words   |  5 Pagesfavor to legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 countries in the United States. This all occurred because of the Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) case. This very important case involved â€Å"14 same-sex couples and two men whose same-sex partners are deceased† and the couples argued that the â€Å"state officials violated [their] 14th amendment by denying them the right to marry or to have marriages lawfully performed in another state given full recognition and also violated their equal protection Clause. The supremeRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1574 Words   |  7 Pagescommunity and abides by the law deserves the rights of an American; however, not all citizens are afforded equal rights. Gays and lesbians are consistently denied rights that are typically taken for granted by the average American. Specifically, gay and lesbian couples ar e denied the right to marry even if they are outstanding citizens. They are held at an unfair disadvantage solely because of their sexual orientation. This discrimination must stop, because gay and lesbian couples are law-abiding citizensRead MoreThe Rights Of Gay And Lesbian Couples1451 Words   |  6 PagesA Right to Love Most people feel that Government rights should automatically be granted to U.S. citizens. An upstanding citizen who pays their taxes, serves their community and abides by the law should be afforded the rights of an American. However, not all citizens are afforded equal rights. Gay and lesbians are consistently denied rights that are typically taken for granted by the average American. Specifically, gay and lesbians couples are denied the right to marry even if they are upstandingRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gay And Lesbians1447 Words   |  6 PagesMost people believe that they deserve the rights they are granted by the government. An upstanding citizen who pays their taxes, serves their community and abides by the law should be afforded the rights of an American. However, not all citizens are afforded equal rights. Gay and lesbians are consistently denied rights that are typically taken for granted by the average American. Specifically, gay and lesbians couples are denie d the right to marry even if they are upstanding citizens. TheyRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legalized1280 Words   |  5 Pages Most people believe that they deserve the rights they are granted by the government. An upstanding citizen who pays their taxes, serves their community and abides by the law should be afforded the rights of an American. However, not all citizens are afforded equal rights. Gay and lesbians are consistently denied rights that are typically taken for granted by the average American. Specifically, gay and lesbians couples are denied the right to marry even if they are upstanding citizens. TheyRead More Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay853 Words   |  4 PagesStates have fought for their civil rights in past decades, it is the gay community that now finds itself striving for equal opportunities in our culturally diverse nation. Although they have already come a long way in the path of acceptance, most recently the gay community has had to confront extremist conservative groups who claim that allowing same-sex couples to join in a civilly recognized union violates the act of a tr aditional, sacred marriage. Gay and lesbian individuals feel that, likeRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1254 Words   |  6 Pagesa person believes in something different does not mean they are not human as well. The court did notice marriage as a fundamental right. However, they took the position that the fundamental right to marry does not include a right to make a State change its definition of marriage, and that the previous cases dealing with the fundamental right to marry did not provide that anyone who wants to get married has a constitutional right to do so. The dissent concerns were more that the majority opinion wasRead MoreGay And Gay Rights Movement853 Words   |  4 Pagesof 1968, gay and lesbian rights movements started booming in the 1970’s (Smith 328). At first, the purpose of the movements was to gain support from the public on their cause of equal rights for LGBT people. However, the main goal was for the â€Å"legalization of homosexual behavior; an end to state regulat ion and repression of lesbian and gay life; and the passage and enforcement of antidiscrimination measures, most importantly in the area of employment† (Smith 334). To do this, the gay rights movementsRead MoreEssay on The Right to Same Sex Marriage1590 Words   |  7 PagesSame sex marriage is a highly controversial topic that has been lingering in America for some time now. The American society prides itself in the provision of equal rights and opportunities to all, yet, homosexuals continue to be discriminated against and denied their rights to marriage. It is often believe that â€Å"marriage is a commitment between two people that love each other and want to share the rest of their life side by side. It is not measured by whether it is a man and a woman, or a coupleRead MoreThe Rights Of Gay And Lesbian Couples Essay1536 Words   |  7 Pagesthe majority believe that they deserve the rights they are granted with the aid of the government. An upstanding citizen who pa ys their taxes, serves their network and abides by means of the regulation must be afforded the rights of an American. however, no longer all residents are afforded same rights. gay and lesbians are continuously denied rights which are typically taken for granted through the common American. particularly, gay and lesbians couples are denied the proper to marry even supposing

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